I find yoga is a superior form of exercise. It’s convenient, easy and has little impact on the joints. With a simple sun salutation you can exercise as a beginner or like an athlete depending on your pace. Yoga goes hand-in-hand with all fitness activities like golf, tennis and marathons.
You can achieve strength, flexibility and balance through intensive yoga practice. If you are currently suffering from an injury, disease, trauma, shock, abuse, or stress whether from an accident or otherwise you can benefit greatly from yoga. It is non-competitive, energetic and focused. You will learn to generate your own Chi or Life Force from the yogic postures learned with Ki. She will teach you to focus on what is really occurring within you and give you the necessary direction to balance your inner and outer world.
In the beginning, we need a motivator to teach and encourage but eventually, the habit of health is established. You need a teacher to hold your hand initially but not forever.
As you begin to achieve your goals, your program will change. Ki designs a routine to blend with your progress. Ki teaches new postures and establishes healthy eating patterns that serve your highest goals. To establish new eating patterns, hypnosis has proven results. Read more about hypnosis here.
Visit Ki’s YouTube Channel to see more Yoga videos.

Ki began her fitness interests in high school cheerleading and enjoyed the aerobics rage which Jane Fonda spearheaded in the 80s. In 1990, Ki kicked a 10-year pack-a-day cigarette habit and increased her workouts to 2-hours per day for 6 days per week for 2 years straight solidifying her commitment to health & wellness.
Ki enjoyed studying various types of yoga methods in Los Angeles, Southeast Asia, India, and Australia. Eventually, she began teaching yoga on the Gold Coast, Australia. Ki found many forms of yoga to only provide flexibility. With Power Yoga, you build strength, flexibility, balance, and increase your cardiovascular conditioning. It’s a superior form of intense exercise for those who really only have 3-4 hours per week for fitness training (not recommended for Seniors).
Ki is a Registered Yoga Teacher with the Yoga Alliance. She trained with many internationally recognized yoga masters like Manju Jois of the Astanga Yoga Institute, BNS Iyengar in Mysore, India, and American Icons Rod Stryker, Shiva Rea, Rodney Yee, and Bryan Kest. Additionally, and traveled extensively around the world visiting over 30-countries studying yoga and meditation in a variety of different studios. She took the opportunity to tour India for six-months and visited the top three yoga villages in Mysore, Goa, and Rishikesh, and trained with some of the oldest living yogis in the world in yoga studios, Ashrams, sacred sites, and caves.
Ki is a Certified Strength Trainer and Fitness Over Fifty Specialist with a focus on Parkinson’s Disease (PD). Upon her return to America, she began teaching in 2002 with Dr. Kenneth Cooper at the Cooper Aerobics Center, Tom Landry Fitness Center, Premier Athletic Club and Telos Performance Center in Dallas, Texas. Currently, she teaches power yoga and strength training in Austin, Texas, and gentle yoga to vibrant older adults at Sun City Retirement Village in Georgetown, Texas.