What's Inside Ki's book:

- What is Wellness?
- Healing the Mind
- Setting Healthy Boundaries
- Magnetize Your Heartsong
- and More…
- Spiritual Wellness?
- Becoming Zen
- Dream Interpretation
- What’s Your Superpower?
- and More…
- Nutritionally Starved and Physically Fat
- How to Read Nutrition Labels
- Introduction to Ayurveda
- Healthy Recipes
- Yoga
- and More…
Zenergy is now available at Book People in the Heart of Austin
603 N. Lamar Blvd. Austin TX 78703

ZENERGY Mind-Body-Spirit
by Ki Browning
Zenergize Your Mind-Body-Spirit! This comprehensive reference book provides the discovery tools of time tested, scientifically proven methods to help you traverse these challenging and changing times. Whether nutrition, meditation, yoga, self discipline, emotional balance, spiritual development or understanding your Divine Life Purpose, you will find ways to stay balanced. Restore peace, joy and understanding to your life today!
Join Ki as she takes you on a journey of the Mind, Body and Spirit, empowering you through Zenergy Boosts, recipes, yoga poses and exercises to complete at your own pace. The path to wellness just got a little easier with Ki’s rich knowledge at your fingertips.
Ki has spent many years researching unique ways to cultivate a purposeful, productive and peaceful life. She brings the wisdom she has gathered internationally to help her clients reach their full potential.
Healing the Mind
“The brain that created the problem is not the brain that will solve it.” – Ki Browning
Changing your Outlook
“Your output depends on your outlook and spending quality time with yourself rebuilds happiness.” – Ki Browning
Nutritionally Starved
“When you reduce carbohydrates in order to lose weight, increase quality fats and proteins, like salmon and avocados, to avoid sugar cravings. – Ki Browning
Becoming Zen
“Being Zen is a way of stepping out of the old rut, and embracing a distinctive avenue of expression.”- Ki Browning
Integrative and Natural Therapies
“When we act emotionally we are altered chemically.”- Ki Browning
Unlocking Your Passion
“The craving for more and more [money], however you identify, will never satisfy.”- Ki Browning
What others are saying about Ki Browning’s Book:
-Karen Lee Loenser, Director of Operations, Discovery Digital Media
Zenergy offers a spiritual buffet for seekers searching for nourishment for their souls. This work is like the masterpiece of a seasoned artist, who has carefully gone out into the world and studied and simplified some of its best practices. Ki assembled it for the reader as a personal offering for them to nibble, sample and savor it in bite-sized pieces for themselves.
This work offers an incredible portfolio of experience for both new and seasoned seekers who rely on authentic teachers like Ki Browning who have ventured out into the world with no roadmap, have re-discovered these ancient, magical (and much needed) practices and wrapped it with a loving ribbon of clarity and simplicity.
-John Van Auken, Director of the Edgar Cayce Foundation
The vast breadth of information in Ki Browning’s mind is matched by the depth and detail that she brings to us in this book. I’ve spent 50+ years researching and reporting on the many ways toward human wellness, now I have it all in one book. What she has gathered together for us is impressive; it’s a resource for our physical, mental, and spiritual wellness. I can feel a genuine understanding in her teachings about being well despite all of our daily challenges. Zenergy is not in my bookcase, it’s on my desk!
-Chris McKee, Certified Nutritionist, Nutrition Nomad
I had the privilege of being one of the first to preview Ki Browning’s new book Zenergy. As a nutritionist and natural health enthusiast for over thirty years I found this book to be very comprehensive. Ki covers all aspects of health, nutrition, physical, emotional and spiritual. To lead a healthy and productive life we must address all of these areas, and Ki does it in an easy to understand yet far reaching manner.
I would highly recommend this book be your guide to a long, healthy and active life!
-Carol Ritberger PhD –Author of Healing Happens with Your Help…
Understanding the Hidden Meanings Behind Illness
Not only is this book a must read for those who want to heal themselves, it’s a must read for those who want to learn how to manage the daily challenges of life. Ki has gifted us with a great reference book that’s rich with suggestions and techniques that can teach us how to live a happy, healthy, and peaceful life.