Certified Yoga Instructor, Body Zen Yoga School, (ACE Recognized)
Physical Fitness Specialist, Cooper Institute Graduate
Certified Strength Trainer, Fitness Institute for Training
Fitness Over Fifty Specialist, Cooper Institute Graduate
Certified Seichem Reiki Master
Richland College, Associates of Arts, Honors Graduate
Ki joins Author Dr. Eben Alexander, Proof of Heaven, & wife Karen Newell, Sacred Acoustics Creator, at Unity of the Hills.
Ki w Yogacharaya Rod Stryker
Ki with Rodney Yee in Key West
Executive Personal Coach and Fitness Instructor in DFW and Austin
Traveled through India for six months studying with some of the oldest living yogis in the world in Yoga Studios, Ashrams and Sacred Sites. (recognized by the Yoga Alliance)
Manju Jois of the Astanga Yoga Institute ~ Yoga Training, Dallas, Texas
Rod Stryker, Shiva Rea and Bryan Kest ~ Yoga Training, Dallas, Texas
Rodney Yee ~ Yoga Training, Caribbean Yoga Cruise
BioMechanics, Advanced Strength Training Certification with Evert Aaberg
Taught Vinyasa Yoga on the Gold Coast, Australia
Completed Vippassana, 10-Day Silent Meditation Retreat in the jungles of Thailand.
Studied Iyengar Yoga in Thailand for three months
World Tour ~ 24 countries and 28 US States
Dr. Jason Parker at the Edgar Cayce Center
Sun City Retirement Village
Visa and BaySport, Inc.
Dallas Police and Fire Pension System
Berry Creek Country Club
Senior Quality Lifestyles Corporation
PrimExx Corporation
Cooper Wellness Department
Cooper Aerobics Center
Tom Landry Fitness Center
Carnegie Hall Symphonic Musician Performers (individual testimonials provided by request)
Residents in the Sun City Retirement Village (individual testimonials provided by request)